User vs. Developer Version

User versionDeveloper Version

Data Validation

Existing data validation rules automatically incorporated into the forms
Customizable date validation
Automatic integration of warning and error messages

Customizable Controls

Configurable text boxes
Drop-down menus
Optional command buttons (Next, Previous, etc.)
Date format management (DD / MM / YYYY, MM / DD / YYYY, etc.)

Data Management

Integration with Excel validation tools (drop-down lists, dates, etc.)
Automatic generation of primary keys


The form color is customizable to match the color of the data table, the tab, or the user's choice

View Management

Save the configuration of your data into views, for instance to show only data related to production, sales or finance

Search and Filtering

An advanced search tool, including an instant search


Multilingual management

Creation of Working Applications in Mere Seconds

Menu creation in a snap
Creation in 1-click of independent files/applications

File Distribution

Perfect for distributing a file to the entire company or to share on its network
Distribution for Excel 2003-2007-2010-2013

VBA Access

Free access to the VBA code

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